Undergoing MyBlogLog Verification Omaha Rules: 2008

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

How Would You Play It? KsQh5s4h

One of the most important purposes of this blog is to provide a forum for Omaha players to discuss how to play certain hands. I hope that through looking at why we play or don't play certain hands, we can all develop a greater knowledge of the game. So what would you do with this hand??

Friday, February 8, 2008

Pre Flop Raisers??? Again

One of the other reasons that pre flop raisers do so poorly in Omaha is that they become pot committed way too early. They have put in twice as much money as they should have to see the flop and find out if they really have any thing to build a great hand. It gets even worse when there are two idiots at the table who keep raising everything. Now you get huge pots, the flop comes and they feel they need to keep going. Watch for these people! They can drain your stack very quickly.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

50% + 50% = $$$

The discussion today has to do with playing Omaha in a Sit'n'go. It could be either limit or pot limit, doesn't seem to matter. Two statistics that are important are,
1) The % of flops seen and
2) The win % if the flop is seen.

If you have close to 50% in each of these areas, You are going to win some money!!

If you are seeing more than 50% of the flops, you are playing too loose and you need to tighten up. The 50% may be too high, depending on how aggressive the table is. If you are at a table with a lot of pre flop raisers and big raisers, then your % needs to go down and wait until the idiots have beaten themselves up.

As your win % approaches 50% you will see your stack going up.

Keep track of these statistics over time and see what %ages you need at your site.

Where is the best site for Omaha. Tell us and we'll meet you there!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A234 Rainbow How do You Play It?

So you look down and have A234 all of different suits. What do you do. Like everything else when you're playing poker, it depends. If I am playing at a table where there is little raising going on then I think it is essential to see the flop. But what if you are at one of those crazy tables where everything is raised to the limit? If there is going to be a lo hand, you have a super chance of taking it but you have little hope for the hi hand. The best you can hope for is a bike, A2345. I would play this hand under almost any conditions. What about you?

Monday, January 28, 2008

Pre Flop Raisers???

In Hole'em, sorry Hold'em, one of the most common practises is a pre flop raise. Players are trained to raise pre flop with cards like AA to get everybody to fold. Smart play. It limits the field and makes your odds of winning the hand far greater. In Omaha, I think it sucks. The hands are far more diverse and I believe that pre flop raising shows me that this person is going to lose. I have been labelling and watching pre flop raisers and very seldom do they end up in the last three in a sit and go. What are your thoughts??

An Omaha Forum!

This blog is not designed for me to tell you how to play Omaha. It is designed to help poker players improve their understanding of how to play the game. Why do some things work more often and what hardly ever works. It is for all of us to discuss and collaborate so we can all improve and spread the word of Omaha. I urge you to leave your comments and keep the discussion growing.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

AA23 You be the Judge! How do you Play it?

You are dealt Ad,2d,Ac,3c. How do you play it?
This is generally considered to be the best hand in Omaha. Would you raise? Check raise? Lay in the weeds or just follow the betting and see what the flop brings?
I had this hand this morning. The flop came 4h,6c,Kc. I got excited!! Turn was 4d, well.... The river was Kh! No low. No flush. Some fish stayed in with a 4 and I lost a bundle.
How would you play this hand?? Tell us and let's get into some good discussions.

This will be a regular feature of "Omaha Rules". Check out all of the hands and let us know what you would do.

You Know the Best Site for Omaha???

This is not a review for any site. Is there a great site for Omaha players? All of the sites where I have played are not there for Omaha but are there for Hold'em. The site where I have the most experience is Party Poker. They do have some good sit and go games at the $6 level. The people are usually friendly and play like people everywhere, sometimes good, sometimes not so good. Omaha definitely is an afterthought though. I believe that all of the tournaments they have are also turbo which means that aggressive guessing is the norm.
Tell us about your site. Maybe there is a great Omaha site. I hope so!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Limit or Pot Limit??

This site is set up to be a forum for Omaha players, the forgotten, abused, real card players. I curtailed my Hold'em play because I just got tired at all of the idiots who went all-in with 27 and prayed. It became more of a crap shoot than a game of skill. I know, sit there for an hour or two and let the idiots kill themselves, which they do but That tends to get rather boring. Like many people, I discovered Omaha by clicking on the wrong site, getting terribly confused but I liked it. I find with Omaha, you need much more card sense. Playing the odds is much more integral to the game.
I find, however, almost the same thing is true of pot limit players. They can't go all-in but many of them raise just trying to bluff. I like limit because over the long haul, the players who play their cards the best, usually win.
Your turn. Whaddya think?