Undergoing MyBlogLog Verification Omaha Rules: Pre Flop Raisers???

Monday, January 28, 2008

Pre Flop Raisers???

In Hole'em, sorry Hold'em, one of the most common practises is a pre flop raise. Players are trained to raise pre flop with cards like AA to get everybody to fold. Smart play. It limits the field and makes your odds of winning the hand far greater. In Omaha, I think it sucks. The hands are far more diverse and I believe that pre flop raising shows me that this person is going to lose. I have been labelling and watching pre flop raisers and very seldom do they end up in the last three in a sit and go. What are your thoughts??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you out of your mind? The dummies who stay in with nothing after I raise are the ones who are penalized. If I raise pre flop, it's because I've got something worthwhile and they should either have a great set of hole cards or get out of the way. There needs to be more raising in Omaha.