Undergoing MyBlogLog Verification Omaha Rules: AA23 You be the Judge! How do you Play it?

Saturday, January 26, 2008

AA23 You be the Judge! How do you Play it?

You are dealt Ad,2d,Ac,3c. How do you play it?
This is generally considered to be the best hand in Omaha. Would you raise? Check raise? Lay in the weeds or just follow the betting and see what the flop brings?
I had this hand this morning. The flop came 4h,6c,Kc. I got excited!! Turn was 4d, well.... The river was Kh! No low. No flush. Some fish stayed in with a 4 and I lost a bundle.
How would you play this hand?? Tell us and let's get into some good discussions.

This will be a regular feature of "Omaha Rules". Check out all of the hands and let us know what you would do.

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